First Christian Church

Learning More About Face Moles Meaning

Learning More About Face Moles Meaning


James Tien

The Chinese almanac (Tung Shu) is a book that contains some rather interesting dates. These dates are bad and good dates. It is much more complicated than that though. You will find a lot of information about astrology, codes and symbols. Wise sages and ancient Chinese philosophers derived this information. They found a face moles meaning, which is mostly interesting.


It is believed that facial moles have interesting meanings. However, this only applies to a prominent, single mole. Small moles, spots, freckles and acne do not count. The position of the prominent mole is the key to the meaning thereof. The first three positions are located right in the middle of the forehead. A mole in any of these positions on a child is believed to be a sign of rebellion. It is also a sign that the child is creative and has a serene attitude to life. Adults with a mole in the center of their forehead are believed to be successful and independent in business. A single mole in the center between your eyes, just above your eyebrows, usually is indicative of a flamboyant person with a bubbly personality. However, this person may be argumentative and difficult. However, they are forgiving. It is believed that having the growth removed will result in a more peaceful attitude towards life. It the growth is located above the center of one eyebrow, you are probably a lucky person. However, you will likely have to work a bit harder than other people do. People may be jealous of you; therefore, you have to look after your assets. Be careful as to not be tempted into joining get-rich-quick schemes and remain in control of your finances. The sixth position is right in the hairs of the eyebrow. This is a sign of creativity and intelligence being a probable source of good wealth. Much wealth could be gained from trusting instincts as opposed to making decisions that are more conservative. Successful use of this gift belongs only to the brave. These growths or spots can occur in as much as twenty-three different places. These can indicate your personality, health, future, wealth and spirituality. Growths found under the nose could hold the meaning of your children and grandchildren having good luck. Also means you will be supported by family. If you find the spot in the number twenty position (in the center between your eyes), then it means you are either unlucky or lucky. You would be creative and very intelligent. You could use this in a negative or positive way and you will not forgive easily. This is the face moles meaning according to the book.

James Tien is a Chinese culture writer. He suggests Absolutely Feng Shui for more information on

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