First Christian Church

Survey Of Common Plastic Surgery Practices In Arkansas

Submitted by: Trevor Price

The most popular Arkansas plastic surgery procedures are rhytidectomy operations (face lifts), nose jobs (rhinoplasty), abdominoplasty (tummy tucks), liposuction and breast implants or augmentations. If you’re an Arkansas resident and want more information about these five common procedures, keep reading.

Breast Enhancement or Implants

Breast enhancement, also known as breast augmentation, is a fairly major surgical operation that is designed to improve the overall shape, size or appearance of the patient’s breast. The operation is permanent, but also reversible and is an extremely popular Arkansas plastic surgery procedure.

Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction works by targeting a specific area of fat deposits on the patient’s body. It’s most effective on patients who are already at an average body weight but simply wish to perfect or minimize a pinpointed area of their body.


Liposuction is a fairly invasive surgical procedure and is typically performed under general anesthesia. First, your doctor marks the area to be treated, makes a small incision and then inserts a long needle just under the skin. The fat deposits are then scraped off the underside of the skin and suctioned out.

Tummy Tucks

Tummy tucks, clinically referred to as abdominoplasty surgeries, are the fastest growing Arkansas plastic surgery operation. Over 8000 tummy tucks were performed in Arkansas last year and the fastest growing sector of patients were men in their mid-to-late 30s.

The goal of a tummy tuck is to eliminate excess skin and fat in the abdominal area and tighten the existing muscles. The procedure can modify an existing body shape or be a great solution for a post-pregnancy mother or post-weight-loss patient with excess skin around the abdominal area.

Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty is the clinical term for a “nose job.” Arkansas plastic surgery practitioners typically take between 1 to 2 hours to perform this permanent surgical procedure. The goal of a rhinoplasty is to improve the appearance of the nose by either reducing its size or improving its shape.

The average Arkansas plastic surgery patient needs about 1 to 2 weeks to recover visibly from a nose job. That said, the internal bruising and some external swelling won’t fully diminish until approximately 4 to 6 months after the surgery.

Face Lift

More commonly known as a face lift, the rhytidectomy is a complex procedure that can be done in a wide variety of styles and patients. Because the surgery has an extended period of recovery, most Arkansas plastic surgery patients take at least 4 weeks before making any public appearances at work or social events.

Most Arkansas plastic surgery patients seek out a face lift to improve loose skin, deep lines, jowls, sagging chins or basic wrinkles.

Despite the increasing popularity and apparent glamor underlying plastic surgery results, the prospect of getting any type of voluntary surgical procedure makes for a serious decision – one that you should never take lightly. Though the long-term benefits normally outweigh the risks, down time, and expense, any time you go under the knife should be done with due caution and wise medical consulation ahead of time.

About the Author: For information on anti-aging surgeries – please visit – a popular site providing great youth preservation insights – such as a

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